Killer Leg and Butt Workout

Leg day is my favorite day!

I love to do a killer leg and butt workout.

Why should you workout your legs?

The biggest muscles are in the legs. Strengthen your leg muscles and you will feel stronger, stand taller, your knees will feel better, and you will burn more calories throughout the day.
Get a nice butt. You want a firm butt? A poppin’ behind? Want to look hot in tight jeans? Do your leg and butt workouts!
Reverse the effects of sitting. Do you sit all day at work? Do you have an office job where you barely get 8k steps in a day? You will begin to reverse the effects of sitting all day by working out your legs and glutes.
Whether you workout at home and need a leg workout or workout at the gym with machines and want to have a killer leg and butt workout, follow these exercises to work your hamstrings, glutes, and quads and get a killer leg and butt workout on leg day!
 killer leg and butt workout



BARBELL HIP THRUST 4 sets of 10 reps

SQUATS  4 sets of 20-25 reps

LYING OR SEATED LEG CURL 3 sets of 15-20 reps

If you’re  new to working out, or are not sure how to do these butt and leg exercises, then check out the videos below I have found to help you get on track to start your KILLER LEG AND BUTT WORKOUT today!






Leg Extensions without Machine

Leg Extensions with Machine


Lying Leg curl without a Machine

Seated Leg Curl with Machine

Top 10 Superficial Reasons To Workout

Top 10 Superficial Reasons to Workout

Remember the last time you decided to get fit? Did something go wrong? Did you end up sitting on your lazy butt for 6 months while your muscles got smaller and your waistline expanded?

Everyone has an excuse for why they haven’t reached their fitness goals. I’m too busy. I’m too old. I hate doing it alone. It’s so boring. Life gets in the way.

Look around. Do you see fit people to be envious of? No? Stick to the plan. Most people don’t look good naked. Be the 10%. Be the hard body everyone wants.

How do you become the 10%? Most of the time when you skip a workout it’s because you are just plain LAZY.  You need to find what works for you. You want to find new fresh ways to stay motivated for longer than a month or two.

I simply run thru this list at 4 a.m. when I’m not wanting to get out of my warm bed and workout. Tossing a few of these reasons around in my head is a reminder of WHY I want to feel better, look better, and be more successful in life. Use this list to help you stay motivated to work out and get your ASS to the gym.

Swimsuit Season

Picture this. Your friends ask you if you want to hit the lake this summer.  It’s supposed to be 90 degrees. You really want to go to the lake. But you feel like a cow. Yup. That’s happened to me. You decline the lake adventure and decide to stay in where there is A/C and not do anything.


Swimsuit season will be upon us before you know it.  How wonderful will it feel when you can slip on those shorts and tank, grab a towel, and run out the door. Imagine yourself, go ahead, take a minute. Imagine yourself, arriving at the beach, towel in hand. Feeling amazing, taking off your shirt. Shoulders back, standing tall, knowing you are looking good. Seriously imagine this happening.

Imagine complete strangers looking at you. Think of your favorite beach or swimming area. What could be more motivating than imagining that same scenario looking as you do now? Scary.

The Opposite Sex

Wait. Don’t dismiss this. You may be married or engaged, you may think this is not important to you. Think again! Don’t you want your spouse to feel lucky and proud they, have you? They may just start treating you better knowing that you can get any girl/guy that you want.

Human nature. We all want to be liked. What better way than to have the best body around. People are naturally attracted to fit and healthy people. Be one.

Dream Life!

Obviously, most people’s idea of the dream life is to be smart, rich, good-looking, fit, tan, and happy. Working out will help you on the road to all these things! Exercising and taking care of your body will put you on the road to looking good, being fit, and putting a smile on your face. Which will all naturally help you be more successful in your career. Many people will assume you are smarter than other based on your healthy looks. These can all bring you closer to living the life most people only dream about.

Feel Good About YOU

Okay, so we all know that a working out doesn’t give you instant results, however, it does make you walk around feeling stronger and more powerful. Even if you haven’t physically changed yet. The self-confidence can extend to other parts of your life and make you an overall more successful person.

Going to the Gym is Fun.

No, really, it is. Trust me. After you’ve gone to the gym for a while, you’ll get to know the people who work there and the people who go there at the same time as you. You’ll make new friends with the same interests as you. The gym becomes like a second home to many people who are exercising regularly.

Those Debbie Downers.

Some jerks just expect you to quit. You know who I’m talking about. You share with them that you are starting a fitness routine, they just roll their eyes. “Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it.” They reply. They never expect to see any progress and are certain you will fail. Can you name 3 people, right now, that are like this? Go ahead. Think about those 3 people in your head. Now imagine this. You walking into the room completely fit. Can you imagine their surprise? Use this. Every time you don’t want to work out. Think of these jerks. Do it because you want to show them that you do NOT quit!

Bullies think they’re better than you.

Some of us were not born fit. Some of us are actually scrawny and puny naturally. Don’t you hate feeling like anyone at any time could kick your ass? Yes, I know it’s totally immature, probably isn’t realistic, and doesn’t really matter. But, come on. We all know these people that just act like they are better because they have more muscle or are more buff.

How will they feel when they realize that you are just as strong and fit as them?

Being Strong.

This is a top reason why people work out. Superheroes are strong. Be the superhero in your life. Be the person people come to for help opening the champagne bottle. Won’t it feel great to know people are watching you train at the gym and wishing they had your body? Be strong.

Feel good when you run into old friends.

Be the one. Be the one that when people see you they can’t believe how great you look. Let them wonder how you did it. Don’t be the one that is gossip and whispered about, having old friends unable to believe how fat you’ve become. Can you think of a few old friends you’d like to impress? Keep them in mind when you’re not motivated to workout. You never know when you may have an unexpected reunion. Be ready.

Be a success in life.

Better looking people have a better chance of getting the best jobs, making the sale, being respected, and getting promotions. It’s not morally right. But, it’s true. We naturally trust good-looking people. Many people also assume that fat and out-of-shape people are lazy, dumb, rude, and untrustworthy. It’s not right, but it’s true.

Keep this list close by. Read it whenever you start to feel lazy or unmotivated. Spend a few minutes thinking about each reason, really imagine how it would feel. I believe in you. Now it’s time for you to believe in you.






Stressed Out Trying To Lose Weight?

Stressed out trying to lose weight read these 5 tips

Stressed Out Trying To Lose Weight? Here Are 5 Tips When Everything Seems Like It’s Not Working


I used to be constantly stressed out trying to lose weight! It seemed as if no matter what I did, I just couldn’t lose my extra pounds of fat! I tried out so many different diets, I exercised a lot, and so much more. Once I hit the tipping point to where I felt like giving up… BUT… I kept looking in the mirror and couldn’t stand what I was seeing, that’s when I knew enough was enough. I fought hard to try and figure out what was holding me back… and that’s when I realized I needed to do the following 5 things to make things happen…

1. Detox… Apparently, one of the reasons I kept a lot of weight on me and also kept feeling “heavy and sluggish” was because I had a lot of toxins in my body. The best thing to do to get rid of toxins in your body is to detox. By doing this, you get rid of these harmful toxins, you’ll cleanse your body, increase energy, improve the health of your digestive system and more. Once I did this, I started feeling a lot better.

2. Only Weigh Yourself Once A Week… One surefire way to lose motivation is to weigh yourself too frequently. I learned that the scale sometimes is not going to show you what you want to see. And this is because the body will consistently fluctuate with weight. This could be due to you eating something, the amount of water you consumed, you putting on muscle, and so much more.

The best thing to do to decrease stress with losing weight and potentially losing motivation, and to also get the most accurate and motivating number possible, is to weigh yourself once a week first thing in the morning after you have went to the bathroom. In the meantime, throughout the week, measure your progress by how you look and how you feel.

3. Make Sure You Are Not Doing Things That Make You Bloated… Eating processed foods, eating salty foods, eating foods with bad carbs, eating lots of sugary foods or drinking sugary drinks, eating too much fiber, and not drinking enough water are some of the most common things that can make someone bloated. If this happens, this is one surefire way to start getting frustrated and feeling depressed about your goals to lose weight. Also, another thing that can make you bloated is having toxins in your body, and of course, what I mentioned in #1 above can help here.

The way to stop feeling bloated is to literally do the opposite of everything I just mentioned. Stop eating bad foods, stay away from sugary foods and drinks, eat a moderate amount of fiber, increase your water intake, and make sure you detox.

Once I stopped feeling bloated all the time, I started feeling lighter, more energetic, and MUCH MORE motivated!

4. Switch To Exercises Based Heavily Around Building Muscle… Cardio seems to be what many people focus on when trying to lose weight… and so did I. I would be one of the ones who would go in the gym and shoot straight for the treadmill. I found out the hard way that strictly doing cardio is a very ineffective way to get in shape. What matters more than cardio is building muscle. The reason why is because with the more muscle tissue you have on your body, the more body fat your body will burn. The best thing to do is to do an exercise regimen that implements cardio and resistance training into one (such as circuit training with body-weight exercises or doing super-sets with weight training).

5. Switch To A Diet Centered Around Boosting Your Metabolism… A clean diet program (which means eating ALL types of important nutrients and avoiding a much as possible processed foods) that is based on methods of eating to raise your metabolism are by far the most effective types of diets around. Once I went on a program like this, I quickly, within a few days, started to notice a difference. The reason why is because increasing your metabolism is a surefire way to burn away pounds of body fat lightning fast… and permanently.

So, if you are stressed out trying to lose weight, I highly recommend you give those 5 tips above a try. Those are things I did myself that made a HUGE difference… and this was after struggling for YEARS!


Sweat today.

Wonderful workout with my gym buddies! Michael, Julie, and Mindy! Warm up, weights (chest, back, legs), then abs. Then the rope swing things. Finished off with the treadmill. How far can we get in 15 minutes. I got .94 of a mile. I have a starting point.  Feeling sweaty and pumped for a productive day. I sometimes forget how great it feels to get a good workout in.