5 Simple Steps to Start Losing Weight Today



5 Simple steps to start losing weight today.

Get Up and Move—No Matter What

Even when you’re swamped, stay active with a 10-minute break to rev up your body. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it really works: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find a parking spot far away from your building so you get a little extra walking. Taking a walk at lunchtime is a proactive way to promote weight loss. Bonus: You’ll also get some sunshine.

Drink Water

Aside from keeping you hydrated, regular water consumption can aid in weight loss. Drinking water before a meal ensures you’re hydrated and you will feel fuller, which will prevent you from overeating. What’s more, eating foods that contain a lot of water (like fruits and veggies) will fill you up faster so you end up eating less. Here are 7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Water.

Eat Breakfast

Eating early in the day can help your body burn more calories. One key to losing weight is eating foods that keep you full. This strategy can help you ward off hunger pains and temptation. To start your day off right, make sure your breakfast includes at least eight grams of fiber. Some high fiber items include pears (5.5g with skin), Avocado on whole grain Toast (4g per 1/4 medium fruit + 4-5g per bread slice), oranges (3g per medium fruit), oatmeal (4g per ¼ cup)

Stop Eating Junk Food

It may seem obvious, but junk food is your weight-loss enemy. Worse yet, eating foods full of sugar and fat will make you feel irritable and sluggish. This starts at the grocery store for me. If it is not in my house, I will not eat it. Sometimes my family might want a treat, dessert, or potato chips, and the way I curb this craving is to only buy flavors and brands that I do not like. It keeps me from eating them and stops me from eating junk food. Healthy bodies start in the kitchen.

Always Pay for Food in Cash

The next time you head to the grocery store, stop at the ATM first, leave the plastic at home.  A study by the American Marketing Association showed that individuals buy fewer indulgent foods when paying in cash. Your mission, bring cash, shop on the weekends to give yourself time, and stick to your list to avoiding impulsive urges to buy unhealthy fast foods.

Sweat today.

Wonderful workout with my gym buddies! Michael, Julie, and Mindy! Warm up, weights (chest, back, legs), then abs. Then the rope swing things. Finished off with the treadmill. How far can we get in 15 minutes. I got .94 of a mile. I have a starting point.  Feeling sweaty and pumped for a productive day. I sometimes forget how great it feels to get a good workout in.

30 Days of YOU – Success Story

success story

The most wonderful woman I know just announced in my 30 Days of YOU Challenge she has lost 4 POUNDS! This is fantastic news! How did she do it? She started eating healthy! That was it! She has a very active job and is constantly burning calories throughout the day but she just wasn’t eating enough to keep her body from feeling like it was starving! Going so long between meals, or maybe not even eating anything until a large dinner at night was doing her body NO favors! Just by making healthy choices throughout the day, eating breakfast no matter what, and being aware of what she was putting in her body she LOST FOUR POUNDS in 5 days!

What changes do you want to make for yourself?

Are you ready to make changes in the lives around you? Do you want to start your own 30 day challenge? Comment down below and tell me what your health and fitness goals are and what differences you want to make.