5 Simple Steps to Start Losing Weight Today



5 Simple steps to start losing weight today.

Get Up and Move—No Matter What

Even when you’re swamped, stay active with a 10-minute break to rev up your body. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it really works: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find a parking spot far away from your building so you get a little extra walking. Taking a walk at lunchtime is a proactive way to promote weight loss. Bonus: You’ll also get some sunshine.

Drink Water

Aside from keeping you hydrated, regular water consumption can aid in weight loss. Drinking water before a meal ensures you’re hydrated and you will feel fuller, which will prevent you from overeating. What’s more, eating foods that contain a lot of water (like fruits and veggies) will fill you up faster so you end up eating less. Here are 7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Water.

Eat Breakfast

Eating early in the day can help your body burn more calories. One key to losing weight is eating foods that keep you full. This strategy can help you ward off hunger pains and temptation. To start your day off right, make sure your breakfast includes at least eight grams of fiber. Some high fiber items include pears (5.5g with skin), Avocado on whole grain Toast (4g per 1/4 medium fruit + 4-5g per bread slice), oranges (3g per medium fruit), oatmeal (4g per ¼ cup)

Stop Eating Junk Food

It may seem obvious, but junk food is your weight-loss enemy. Worse yet, eating foods full of sugar and fat will make you feel irritable and sluggish. This starts at the grocery store for me. If it is not in my house, I will not eat it. Sometimes my family might want a treat, dessert, or potato chips, and the way I curb this craving is to only buy flavors and brands that I do not like. It keeps me from eating them and stops me from eating junk food. Healthy bodies start in the kitchen.

Always Pay for Food in Cash

The next time you head to the grocery store, stop at the ATM first, leave the plastic at home.  A study by the American Marketing Association showed that individuals buy fewer indulgent foods when paying in cash. Your mission, bring cash, shop on the weekends to give yourself time, and stick to your list to avoiding impulsive urges to buy unhealthy fast foods.

Find Success by Doing the Things You Dislike

As I think of the struggles many people go through, I am reminded of a powerful quote by Albert E. N. Gray:

The successful person has the habit of doing things failures don’t like to do. They don’t like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.

If you are someone who has to make important changes in your life, you may want to ponder on this idea. What are the things you know you have to do but are avoiding? If you were to discipline yourself and create a plan for doing those things, would you find positive, even breakthrough rewards?

In my case, I know when I’m trying to avoid doing something, I eventually see that I’ve paid an even higher price by avoidance. For example, when I’ve neglect my health by not eating right, exercising, or getting enough sleep because I find it hard to stick to a disciplined regiment, I have found myself feeling sluggish and not doing my best work. When I finally subordinate my dislikes to the strength of my purpose, things turn around.

Identify something you are avoiding and make a promise that you will do it. Make a promise and keep it. Subordinate the things you dislike doing to your greater purpose. The more you do this, the more strength you will build—and the more success you will find.

Start living your life in crescendo–and remember your most important work is ahead of you, not behind you! There is so much more to do, to learn and contribute.  – Stephen Covey



Path of the Heart – Motivational Journal

Path of the Heart

Need daily accountability?

Need motivation?

I want to thank Vanesa Raber for giving us what we all need! With such a fast paced world surrounding us and electronics at every turn it’s so important to reconnect with ourselves.

Vanessa Raber has created a 74 page soft bound journal with a layout that is divided into sections that focus on your mind, body, and soul. She gives us a daily To Do List which already includes exercising and meditation, space to write down all six meals in the day, and a gratitude journal.

Be the best version possible of you.

The gratitude journal will be an  exciting addition to my daily routine. I was watching Marie Forleo at MarieTV and seen her Gratitude: The Most Powerful Practice You’re Not Doing episode. Scroll down to check it out. She gives us valuable information about gratitude journaling and now Vanessa Raber gives us to tools to do it!

Marie Forleo talks about the University of Southern California doing a 10 week study on gratitude journaling and found that the group that wrote down 5 specific things a day they were grateful for were more elated, excited, and alert than the other groups and they were less tired, sad, and lethargic.

Path of the Heart is a 30-day motivational journal meant to support healthy habits and encourage you to devote time to your mind, body and soul.

Check out the video below on gratitude journaling and then order you Path of the Heart Motivational Journal and start your healthier happier life today! There’s no time to waste. We only get one body, one mind, and one chance at this amazing life. Don’t let it slip you by.

Order you Path of the Heart Motivational Journal today! (A portion of all sales go toward the benefit of foster children.) <—— How cool is that?!

Marie Forleo, I want to thank you for encouraging me to create a business and life I love!

Vanessa Raber, I would like to personally thank you for  giving us everything we need to start our 30 day adventure to healthier and happier habits! You are AWESOME!

Did you like this post? Like it! Share it with your friends! What are thankful for? Be specific, comment down below and let us know what or who you are grateful for. Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to hear from YOU!